Annual Wexford Events
The Wexford Village Homes Association sponsors a variety of annual events and activities. This is a great way to get out and meet your neighbors and have some fun.
Easter Egg Hunt
On the Saturday the weekend before Easter, the neighborhood gathers in Wexford Park to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt from 9:30 to 11:00 am (weather permitting). Refreshments (donuts, juice, coffee) are served at 9:30 and the hunt begins at 10:00. The hunt is divided into two groups: kids 5 and under, and kids 6 to 11. Each family is asked to provide 12 plastic eggs filled with candy for each child participating. Please see the front/home page of the Wexford website for the latest updates and Wexford Facebook Page for sign-up procedures.
Earth Day/Park Clean-up
Each Spring, typically on the 3rd or 4th Saturday of April, Wexford residents gather in Wexford Park from 9:00 to 1:00 to help spruce up the area. Each participating family is asked to bring work gloves, rakes, gardening tools and lots of energy. This is our opportunity to provide some TLC to OUR park and make it enjoyable for all. We pick up trash, edge around the trees, mulch some areas, rake the playground area, pull garlic mustard and clean up the walking paths in the woods. Please see the front/home page of the Wexford website for the latest updates.
Garage Sale
In May, on the Friday and Saturday immediately following Mother’s Day weekend, Wexford sponsors a neighborhood garage sale from 8:00 am to 5:00 PM both days. Large signs are placed at all entrances into Wexford Village to advertise the event. This is your opportunity to pass on those “treasures” that you’ve been accumulating in your garage, attic or basement or the things your children have outgrown. No registration is required. Just set up your tables in your driveway or on your lawn and “sell away”!
Fourth of July
On the Fourth of July, the creativeness comes out in colors of red, white and blue when children young and old decorate wagons, tricycles, bikes and themselves with patriotic flags, balloons and decorations. The parade line forms at the corner of South Woodmont Circle and Sawmill Road at 10:45 am. At 11:00 am, with our official police or fire truck escort, we begin to march & ride toward Wexford Park. For those of you who choose not to be in the parade, come out and watch and cheer! Once at the park, we enjoy hot dogs, chips and beverages.
End of Summer Party
Each Fall, there is a neighborhood Potluck & Party at the Wexford Park shelter on the Saturday evening right after Labor Day. The event begins at 5:00 PM. Enjoy one more night in the park with your friends and neighbors before the leaves fall and the snow flies! Share your summer vacation stories. Sign up to bring a “dish to pass” and bring lawn chairs or blankets for your family. We provide the grillables (hamburgers, brats, hot dogs, veggie burgers) along with appropriate buns, condiments and non-alcoholic beverages. Please see the front/home page of the Wexford website for the latest updates and sign-up procedures.
Board of Directors Meetings
Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month (except July and December) at 7:00 PM in Room 153 of the High Point Church at 7702 Old Sauk Road. All homeowners in Wexford Village are invited to attend. (**Note: due to the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings are currently being held electronically via ZOOM). Contact the Board President if you wish to participate via ZOOM.