Public Schools
Glenn W. Stephens Elementary School
Address: 120 South Rosa Road, Madison, WI 53705
Telephone Number: (608) 231-4540
Address: 6602 Inner Drive, Madison, WI 53705
Telephone Number: (608) 829-4130
Address: 5930 Old Sauk Road, Madison, WI 53705
Telephone Number: (608) 231-4550
Ezekiel Gillespie Middle School
Address: 101 South Gammon Road, Madison, WI 53717-1498
Telephone Number: (608) 663-6403
Address: 201 South Gammon Road, Madison, WI 53717
Telephone Number: (608) 829-4000
Private Schools
Blessed Sacrament School
2112 Hollister Ave., Madison
(608) 233-6155
Blessed Sacrament is a Catholic elementary school providing a quality Christian and academic education for 330 students in kindergarten through grade 8. The school features multi-age classrooms, an experienced staff and a prime location on the near West Side that is easily accessible from Downtown. After-school care is available for students in grades 1 through 6.
Eagle School
1201 McKenna Blvd., Madison (608) 273-0309
Founded in 1982, Eagle School offers an enriched, accelerated education for about 150 gifted children in kindergarten through grade 8. The admission process for this school on the far West Side of Madison includes testing and visits by potential students and their parents. Both before- and after-school care are available. Children entering kindergarten must be 4½ or older.
Edgewood Campus Grade School
2324 Edgewood Dr.
(608) 257-7726
Encompassing a beautifully wooded campus near Vilas Park, Edgewood is a Catholic private school emphasizing academic excellence, cultural arts and Christian values. The school has about 270 students in kindergarten through grade 8. Four-year-olds are accepted into a half-day (afternoon) pre-kindergarten program. After-school care is available for students in kindergarten through grade 4.
Edgewood High School
2219 Monroe St., Madison
(608) 257-1023
When Edgewood High School opened in 1881, there was little else around it on the near the West Side of Madison. Now it's sandwiched between stately neighborhoods and quaint shops, although its large rolling, wooded campus continues to set this school apart. The only Catholic high school in Dane County, Edgewood offers a college-preparatory curriculum for 600 students, who often drive 50 miles or more one way to attend. More than 95 percent of graduating seniors go on to college. Religious courses and community service are required, and students are expected to follow a written code of behavior.
High Point Christian School
7702 Old Sauk Rd., Madison
(608) 836-7170
High Point is a nondenominational school seeking to provide a program of academic excellence within the context of a Christian viewpoint. The school stresses traditional family values, and art, music and literature are evaluated from a moral as well as artistic perspective. Also, the curriculum emphasizes a phonetic approach in teaching reading skills. The school has 210 students in kindergarten through grade 8.
Hope Academy
1310 Mendota St Ste 118 Madison WI 53714
We are a private school that provides individualized instruction in an alternative education environment.
- Some of our students are accelerated learners identified as gifted and talented who participate in enrichment and accelerated learning programs.
- Some of our students have learning disabilities or learning differences and might be identified as special education students in a public school.
- Some very successful students have dyslexia, ADHD, Asperger's, processing disorders, or sensory integration disorders.
- It is not unusual for a student to work on material two grades ahead in one subject and recieve remediation in another.
- We do not use special education labels.
- Each student has an individualized program and some students will participate in
direct instruction one-on-one with a trained education specialist to remediate missed skills.
- Our students are closing the gap and catching up for lost educational time through our individualized program.
- Homeschool students are welcome to enroll for individual courses if space permits.
Madison Central Montessori School
4337 W. Beltline Hwy., Madison (608) 274-9549
Montessori accommodates about 100 students from preschool through grade 6. The school specializes in nongraded classes of mixed-age children who gain practical and intellectual knowledge from individual exploration of language, math, geography, art and music. All materials are designed for independent learning.
Our Lady Queen of Peace
418 Holly Ave., Madison
(608) 231-4580
In the quiet neighborhood of Westmorland on Madison's near West Side, Queen of Peace emphasizes a strong academic program within a Catholic educational framework. Many families move into the neighborhood just to be closer to this school that teaches kindergarten through grade 8. It's the largest Catholic school in the area, with almost 500 students. The school was enlarged in '96 to accommodate more kindergartners and add more space for physical education, science and foreign language classes. After-school care is available.
Our Redeemer Lutheran School
1701 McKenna Blvd., Madison (608) 274-2830
Operated by Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, the school educates children from kindergarten through grade 8. A staff of eight instructors teaches 112 students. The curriculum consists of basic courses of instruction as required by the State of Wisconsin. In addition, daily religion classes are conducted to provide students with a thorough knowledge and understanding of Scripture. Extracurricular programs include music and athletics. Preschool is available Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
St. Ambrose Academy
602 Everglade Drive
Madison, WI 53717
(608) 827-5863
St. Ambrose Academy is a Catholic middle school and high school offering a classical education employing original source materials, small class sizes, and directed classroom discussion. Founded in 2003, the school is accredited by the National Association of Private Catholic* and Independent Schools.
St. Maria Goretti School
5405 Flad Ave., Madison
(608) 271-7551
While parishioners of St. Maria Goretti receive preference, the Catholic school is open to everyone in the community. About 205 students in kindergarten through grade 8 attend. The traditional curriculum augmented by a strong school philosophy that “each child is first and foremost a unique creation of God and as such deserves love and an opportunity to develop to his or her potential.”
Walbridge Academy
7035 Old Sauk Rd., Madison (608) 833-1338
Walbridge specializes in a very low student-teacher ratio to accommodate children with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder or those simply in need of a structured, individualized setting. Instructors match teaching styles to learning styles for children in grades 1 to 8. Tutoring on all grade levels is also available. No after-school care is available, although two day-care centers are right across the street if parents choose to utilize them.
Westside Christian
6815 Schneider Road
Middleton, WI 53562
Phone: (608) 831-8540
Westside Christian School is a ministry of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, offering a high-quality, Christian education for children in pre-school through eighth grade. Our school is mission oriented, offering enrollment to the community without regard to church membership.
Wingra School
3200 Monroe St., Madison
(608) 238-2525
Wingra is a small, independent elementary school serving about 150 children of diverse family backgrounds, abilities and needs in kindergarten through grade 8. It was founded in 1972 by parents and teachers influenced by a version of progressive school then often referred to as informal, or British, primary education. It features a theme-based integrated curriculum and mixed-age classrooms equipped with materials to meet children's varied interests. Kids love the campus because it has one of the best sliding hills of all the schools in Madison. Before- and after-school day care is available.