Public Facilities and Services
Property Tax base information, Information on specific properties, associated links.
Home Fix up information, how to obtain permits, State Building codes, etc..
Season Information, Ticket sales, Outreach and Education, etc..
Information on child care providers, parents, related links, etc..
7100 block of Old Sauk Road
Energy, Transportation, Waste Reduction and General Environmental programs
Closest stations:
Fire Station #12 located at 400 South Point
Fire Station #2 located at 421 Grand Canyon
Fire prevention, community education, etc..
St. Marys Hospital
700 S Park Street
Meriter Hospital
202 South Park Street
University of Wisconsin Hospital
600 Highland Avenue
Ride guide, maps, etc.
Routes that service our neighborhood are:
Weekdays: 15 and 73/Middleton
Weekends and Holidays: 68
West District
1710 McKenna Blvd.
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 243-0500
contact form
State of Wisconsin Voter Public Access
Look up your voter registration and polling place information
Look up polling locations by address
Check Provisional Vote Status
Check Absentee Ballot Status
Map, Activities, Newsletters, committees, etc.
Information on recycling, item collection, contact, etc..
Parking, Rideshare, biking information and more
Quality, conservation, tips, news and more
Gas and electric hook ups for Wexford area